Restaurant Bellevue A la carte menu


In restaurant Bellevue, we do not have an a la carte menu, but rather a daily menu of 3 courses.
Here you can choose 1, 2 or 3 dishes.

Today's menu:                    Wine menu: (1st glass per course)
1 course: DKK 195          DKK 84 / 94
2 courses: DKK 270        DKK 178
3 courses: DKK 345         DKK 238
Additional purchase of starter or dessert: DKK 98

However, there are always 2 alternative main courses, which consist of Wienerschnitzel or Pasta Carbonara.
Wiener schnitzel DKK 245
Pasta Carbonara DKK 225

Information about allergens is available by contacting the service